“We are descendants of apes & monkeys “– This is what we have been taught during our childhood days. We credulously accepted it as we were taught this in schools & colleges. It was delivered to us by teachers whom we held in high esteem. We saw it in printed books and so many foreign films. This information is false and highly disgraceful. It is a curse not only on the history of India but the entire history of humanity.
The history that we know is all wrong. We are taught in schools and colleges about human beings’ evolution and how our culture and civilization are false and fabricated.

About thirty years back, I was indicated that humanity’s anthropology and history as we know it are fabricated. I was shocked and astonished. I started some investigation into history books and gradually went deeper and deeper. Since then, I have studied over two hundred books on the related subject matter. I even studied centuries-old history books and travelogues of foreign tourists and students who visited India. Thanks to digital libraries, I now have access to over 500 contemporary books for my research.
Along with studying books, I traveled to over sixty countries and studied at several historical sites. During my trips, I met several historians, researchers, and archaeologists in India and abroad. The outcome is startling!
I wanted to write a book on my findings, but then I realized that these days many would not be interested in reading a book of 500 odd pages, that too on a subject that does not increase his income. Few people might buy the book because of the highly engaging and valuable content. But not too many would be able to manage time to complete the entire book. Even those who complete the book will not bother to share the information with many.
India was the Wealthiest Nation for 4800 Years!
Since the information that I want to share is critical, it must reach every Indian. I decided to come on social media channels and share the massive information in small chunks and natural language to reach ordinary Indians.
These revelations would raise the morale of Indians as they would realize that they belong to the most advanced clan in the world, we were world leaders, and we are capable of becoming world leaders again.
You would be astonished to know that India has been the wealthiest nation globally for 4800 years in a straight history of 5000 years.
It was not only material wealth, but Indians were most advanced in science, arts & culture. They had complete knowledge of spirituality and the purpose of life, death, and beyond. People were happy and fulfilled in every manner.
India was the education hub of the world. There were universities like Takshshila, as far back as 2700 years. An era when no man-made religion had begun. Most of the religions are established within the last 2500 years. Abraham came 2600 years back. Mahavir & buddha came 2500 years back, Moses came 2250 years back, Jesus came 2000 years back, and prophet Mohammed came about 1500 years back.
It’s a mystery what happened to the glorious past, how Indians lost superior qualities and abundant wealth. Why are we so miserable today?
And the greater mystery is that we are not even aware of our history, heritage, and ancestors’ glorious past. It is a matter of grave concern.
In my investigative studies of thirty years, I discovered that very systematically and in a planned manner, Europeans made massive efforts to conceal and hide the history of the glorious past of India. They invented several baseless theories in particular to blackout the glorious past of India.
Baseless theories like the Big Bang, the Darwinian theory of evolution, Aryan invasion theory were created out of nothing by Europeans. And history books were written by them with false and fabricated information and twisted facts.
Please stay connected with me as I would enlighten you with many unknown facts and stories in small bits and pieces based on suitable proofs and evidence.