Christianity is India’s Gift to the World!

Most of us know that India is the origin of religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Very few know that Christianity, too, originated from India. Christianity is the most prominent religion, established by Jesus Christ about nineteen centuries back. Today it is followed by the highest number of people in the world. For nearly […]
पुरातत्त्वीय अभिलेख किस प्रकार बनावटी रूप में प्रस्तुत किये गये हैं।

ताजमहल को शाहजहाँ ने नहीं बनवाया था, फतहपुर सीकरी की स्थापना अकबर ने नहीं की थी, और ना ही आगरे का लालकिला उसके बनवाया था। कुतुब मीनार कुतुबउद्दीन ने नहीं बनवाया था। इस प्रकार, लगभग प्रत्येक मध्यकालीन ऐतिहासिक भवन, पुल अथवा नहर का झूठा, असत्य निर्माण-श्रेय विदेशी मुस्लिमों को दे दिया गया है, यद्यपि तथ्य […]
Apes Were Our Ancestors, Or We Are Now Becoming Apes?

First, we must understand the purpose of inventing these baseless theories in the 19th and 20th centuries by Europeans. They had two mammoth tasks, first shrouding India’s glorious history and the second to erase traces of Vedic culture’s legacy. Until about 200 years back, the world knew about the Indian rich inheritance of culture, knowledge, […]
Big-bang Theory – Has the World an Origin?

Hen Came first OR the Egg Came First Many modern scientists believe that the Universe originated from a ‘Cosmic Egg,’ by a catastrophic explosion called ‘big bang.’ They rule out its creation by God. On the contrary, many religionists believe that, initially, God created the world. The question is, which one of these two hypotheses […]
How did British Tarnish Image of Indian Culture

Indian civilization is the most ancient and most advanced civilization. Indians remained the wealthiest and most accomplished nation for 4800 years in the continuous history of 5000 years. For the last 250 years, India’s glorious story started getting tarnished when Britishers started colonized India in the late 1700. India was so wealthy that foreigners started […]
हम विश्व गुरु थे और विश्वास रखे कि फिर से बनेंगे।

आज मैं आपसे ऐसे तथ्यों के बारे में चर्चा करना चाहता हूं जिसकी विश्व को छोड़िए भारत के लोगों को ही जानकारी नहीं है। इन तथ्यों को प्रमाणिक तरीके से इकठ्ठा करने के लिए मैंने 30 वर्षो मे 200 से अधिक पुस्तकों का अध्ययन किया जिनमें 2-3 सौ वर्ष पुरानी कई पुस्तकें है , 60 […]
Aryan Invasion Theory – A Shame for all Indians.

In the late 19th century, The hypothesis of the Aryan invasion of India was invented. Linguistic Friedrich Max Muller first suggested it in 1884. The British government appointed him to translate the Rig Veda. He observed that the Sanskrit, Latin, Persian & Greek languages had many common words. He thought that people speaking similar words must have been […]
क्या भारत का इतिहास भारत (भारतीयता) के शत्रुओं ने लिखा है?

इसी प्रश्न का एक पहलु यह है-विश्वभर के विश्वविद्यालय जहाँ बड़े-बड़े इतिहासकार अधिकार जमाकर बैठे हैं, सहस्रों इतिहासकार वहाँ बैठे लाखों लोगों को इतिहास पढ़ाते हैं, क्या वे भारत के शत्रु हैं ? अथवा क्या वे बुद्धि के कोहलू हैं? अंग्रेजी भाषा में एक पद है जिसका अर्थ है, या तो धूर्त हैं अथवा मूर्ख […]
The Golden Age

For 4800 Years India Remained the Wealthiest Nation in the World For 4800 years, India remained the wealthiest place in the world. It was endowed not only with material and physical wealth but with a spiritual wealth of love, peace, happiness, the highest levels of skills in science, arts, and advanced technologies. Unfortunately, most of […]
It Should Raise Pride of All Indians – Whatever Religion they may belong to.

It Should Raise Pride of All Indians – whatever religion they may belong to, any language they speak, and anywhere they may live. In 2001, I realized that he lived in India for 17 years for his studies on Vedas, Yoga, Jainism, Buddhism. It was difficult for me to believe. This incident propelled me to […]