Jesus is Not Born on the Christmas Day as the World Belives

History shows that December 25 was popularized as the date for Christmas, not because Christ was born on that day, but because it was already popular in pagan religious celebrations as the sun’s birthday. But could December 25 be the date of Christ’s birth? Early Christian teachers suggested dates all over the calendar. Clemen picked […]
Christianity is India’s Gift to the World!

Most of us know that India is the origin of religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Very few know that Christianity, too, originated from India. Christianity is the most prominent religion, established by Jesus Christ about nineteen centuries back. Today it is followed by the highest number of people in the world. For nearly […]
Jesus Lived in India and Died in Kashmir at the Age of 120.

Jesus came to India when he was thirteen years old, and acquired knowledge of Vedas, Yoga, Buddhism, Jainism, and spiritualism. After a year he went to the West. At the age of thirty-three, he was crucified, but he did not succumb, and again he came back to India and died ultimately at the age of […]